Saturday, June 27, 2015

Rather Warm Today

Didn't stay out long today, about an hour and a half, 85f felt like 90f, but few clouds and a light breeze.  Not much to see with 2371 going off the west limb, but a new spot just peaking around the corner.  Had to blow out the middle of the sun a bit with the stretching to bring out the limb details.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Nice seeing and sundogs for the solstice.

Had a nice enjoyable but warm fathers day/solstice broadcast on Nsn.  Started out very clear and turned into thin clouds, and the nice 22.5 degree arc came out against the clouds, but I still had a reasonable image through the clouds.  Got to watch the lightbridge from the fall off of an m1 flare slowly fade down as the goes chart ever so gradually dropped.