Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cooking and Imaging

It was rather difficult to not go and sneak some roast beef out of the smoker while I was out imaging and broadcasting on NSN.  I was pretty hungry by the time I was done.  Still plenty of activity on the sun, we're not too far past the peak of activity.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Time to clean out some dust bunnies again.

Besides the two giant dust bunnies, one of which stacked out of the images quite well, I got a much better image than I have in a very long time.  Finally starting to feel like spring here in ND.  Had the pleasure of introducing a new viewer from Bulgaria on NSN today, hope he enjoys the site as much as the thousands of others that have signed up for the site making it the most awesome way to share our love of astronomy with the world, gotta give some great big thanks to Jim, the creator and operator of the worlds greatest live astronomy website.  Astronomy is a great hobby, but so much more fun when you can share it with other interested people, which are hard to find where I live......

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cloudy broadcast

Cloudy today so no stacked image, just a screengrab from my broadcast on nsn, through thin clouds of course.  I just had to be outside and enjoy the 60 degree weather.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Poor seeing and transparency

Not great seeing conditions, and poor transparency as there we sundogs again today, but I did my best getting a capture with the old computer as the new one is on it's way in for repairs already after only 30 days.